Master of Public Administration

Programme Aims and Objectives

This Master’s programme is in compliance with Zambia’s current national strategic focus on the gradual development of higher education. Drawing on Zambia’s Education for All 2015 National Review, the 7th National Development Plan and the SADC Protocol on Education and Training, and complying with Unicaf University’s principles, the MPA will contribute in broadening access and participation to high quality relevant education, with the efficiency and effectiveness of modern education delivery systems. Since the education sector has vastly been embracing the potentials of online learning in the area of education, the MPA is offering improved content delivery.

During this course, students will be able to study advanced principles of public management processes and concepts. They will gain profound knowledge of management and administration
procedures and be equipped with skills that will render them able to successfully function in managerial positions in the field.

The course will enable students to become efficiently equipped with all necessary skills and knowledge in order to advance in the field of Public Administration, both in the local level,
according to Zambia’s needs, and on an international level –if desired.

Aims of the Programme
The MPA aims to equip students with an ability to deploy skills and understanding in a range of contemporary issues surrounding the applications of public administration, through techniques of critical analysis, reflection and evaluation, complying with the pronounced educational long term goals of Zambia that focus on the development of individual learners in holistic manner that address their developmental needs, affective and psychomotor skills.
Moreover, equally important aims are the promotion of clarity of thought, knowledge of the possibility and limits of application public administration in local and international work
environments, the capacity to explore issues, and present positions, in a structured and methodical way as well as the capacity to recognise and accommodate insights from a variety of
sources. In other words, the meaningful acquisition of relevant skills and knowledge to enable students to meet challenges and lead individual fruitful lives, while empowering them to
contribute to the sustainable development of their immediate environment.

Objectives of the Programme
The MPA is a contribution in the attempt to reinforce and enhance the ‘weak decentralised administrative and fiscal system of governance’ (7th NDP, p. 96), as the programme invests
in students, enhancing the quality and future of the human resources and capital of Zambia, by developing their knowledge and skills needed for successful and strategic, local oriented
leadership performance, within the context of the 7th National Development Plan and the SADC Protocol on Education and Training.
The programme is in compliance with section 10.4, ‘Development Outcome 2: Improved education and skills development’ of the 7th NDP, and the ‘Professional Development’
commitment in the SADC Protocol on Education and Training, as it offers access to professional, high quality, equitable, inclusive and improved education, as well as skills
development to future Zambian workforce.

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